Citing a dataset in APA 7th edition style requires the following elements:
Author, A. A., or Organization Name. (Year). Title of dataset (Version number) [Data set]. Publisher. DOI or URL
Example 1: Doe, J. K., & Smith, A. B. (2023). Natural Language Processing Benchmark Dataset (Version 2.1) [Data set]. AI Research Repository.
Example 2: National Center for Education Statistics. (2022). National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2022 Mathematics Assessment [Data set]. U.S. Department of Education.
Example 3: García, E., Chen, L., & Patel, N. (2021). Global Urban Air Quality Database (Version 3.0) [Data set]. World Health Organization.
Example 4: Brown, K. S. (2023). Quantum Computing Simulation Results [Data set]. IEEE DataPort.
Example 5: Climate Research Unit. (2022). Global Temperature Time Series (Version 4.6) [Data set]. University of East Anglia.
Example 6: OpenAI. (2023). GPT-3 Language Model Training Dataset [Data set]. OpenAI API.
Use the most recent year of publication or update for the dataset.
Italicize the title of the dataset.
Include the version number in parentheses after the title, if available.
Always include [Data set] in square brackets after the title (and version, if applicable).
Provide the name of the publisher or hosting organization.
Include a DOI if available; otherwise, use the URL where the dataset can be accessed.
For organizational authors, use the full name of the organization.
Q: How do I cite a dataset that is updated regularly?
A: Use the year of the most recent update and include a retrieval date: (2023). Dataset Title [Data set]. Publisher. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL
Q: What if the dataset doesn't have a specific title?
A: Use a brief description of the dataset's content as the title, not italicized.
Q: How do I cite a subset of a larger dataset?
A: Cite the specific subset and include information about the larger dataset in square brackets after the title.
Q: Should I include access information for restricted datasets?
A: Yes, include any relevant access or restriction information in square brackets after [Data set].
Q: How do I cite a dataset with more than 20 authors?
A: List the first 19 authors, followed by an ellipsis (...), and then the final author's name.
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